Frontline Flea And Tick Prevention What Is The Best Flea And Tick Prevention For Dogs And Cats?

What is the best flea and tick prevention for dogs and cats? - frontline flea and tick prevention

Frontline, K9 Advantix, Advantage, exttt!


planedoc... said...

First, not with the marks of cheap shops like Hartz who do not care at all about work, and can even be dangerous, Hartz Google and sick or dying dogs and cats.

As for the others:

Frontline - good works in the adult fleas and ticks
In addition to Frontline - good works in adults, eggs and larvae
You may be ineffective fleas and ticks developing immune system

Advantage - works well for adults
Advantix - work on fleas, ticks, mites, flies, adults, eggs and larvae
Two manufactured by Bayer, as the first, they become ineffective over time

Revolution - No personal experience has been reported that also prevent infestations in all the above works, but also works against the parasite and therefore the only prescription

ProMeris not use -. It has been shown to effectively kill fleas and ticks, but also dogs and cats

Comfort - New on the market in order. I have not heard, good or bad about the efficacy or safety. Only time will tell.

Natural Defense - all natural, treatment of petroleum-based systems, has beeReported a good job for some people not everyone. Main complaint is that after the application, there is a spot of oil on the dog or a cat for one or two days until it is absorbed and after approx. 1 weeks later, you feel the dog or cat, like drops. It is a pleasant smell to me, but some would disagree.

My recommendation is based on the reports from customers to use more front-line box, then switch to Advantix. Continue to change and be sure to use the whole year. It can get very cold outside to kill fleas and ticks, but there are always breeding season.

Michelle T said...


rosumcak... said...


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